4 Tips for Your Next Big Move

Moving in itself can seem like a really simple, straightforward process. Until you actually start. With so many things to keep track of, so much lifting and running around, moving can be a dread for most people. It doesn’t have to be that way, not if you’re prepared and know what to look out for. Here are four tips to help you with your next big move. 

1. Give a heads up to your Moving Company 

Many will take their time deciding between moving by themselves or hiring professionals. Don’t take too long mulling over the decision. With movers working with hectic schedules, you may not have a lot of good options to choose from if you book their service last minute. This is especially true if you have lots to move and a tight deadline. 

If you’re on the fence about the decision, just remember that the convenience of hiring movers far outweighs the costs. When you get them on board with your move, all you’re really left to worry about is packing your belongings.  But even that can be taken care of! Many moving companies also offer to pack your belongings if you are unable to do so yourself. 

2. Inform Utility Companies of the Move-In Date

Nothing can dampen the relocation experience than moving into a new home without access to power or gas. You don’t want a frozen toe and an empty stomach to be what you remember on your first day staying in your shiny, new home.

Weeks before the actual move, notify utility companies about your plan to change the address. This should give them ample time to make the necessary transfers. Don’t forget to do the same for other service providers, like your ISP or entertainment subscriptions. 

3. Packing: Segregate Your Essentials

The first day at your new place will inevitably be chaotic, with all the boxes and stuff that need sorting. You won’t be doing yourself a favour by mindlessly packing food, clothes (ones you ought to wear the next day), toiletries, medicines, and cleaning supplies along with the rest of your stuff.

If your new residence is within driving distance from your current place, bring over those basic supplies the day before. It’s one way to enjoy a semblance of normalcy even on the first day being away from your old hideout.

4. You Don’t Have to Say Goodbye

Moving from one house to another, especially when downsizing, could mean that you may have to get rid of a few belongings. You don’t have to needlessly part ways with your favourite grand piano or personal painting collection, though.

One convenient option at your disposal is self-storage solutions. Facilities offering these will allow you to store items either in short or long-term storage spaces. Most storage spaces do offer different plans with different capabilities. Some setups may have room enough for a few belongings, others enough for bulky furniture pieces. 

FINALLY: Leave the Stress at the Door - Enjoy Your New Home! 

Moving can definitely be a stressful process - but it doesn’t have to be. With the proper preparation and execution, any momentous move can be whittled down into a stress-free experience. If you’re having trouble planning, get your realtor to help. Any professional realtor with experience in the game has the knowledge and connections needed to help you make the process a seamless one. Start your new life in your new home the right way - plan and execute properly and you will leave the stress at the door. 


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